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Raccolta di pubblicazioni scientifiche di Osteopatia in ambito pediatrico
- Introducing an osteopathic approach into neonatology ward: the NE-O model
- Cranial osteopathy as a complementary treatment of postural plagiocephaly
- Effects of osteopathic approach in infants with deformational plagiocephaly: an outcome research study
- The use of osteopathic manipulative treatment as adjuvant therapy in children with recurrent acute otitis media
- Correlation between otitis media with effusion and cranial deformation in children
- Osteopathic evaluation and manipulative treatment in reducing the morbidity of otitis media: a pilot study
- Positional plagiocephaly from structure to function: Clinical experience of the service of pediatric osteopathy in Italy
- Uno studio di coorte su neonati affetti da Plagiocefalia non sinostosica
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
- Neonatal Assessment Manual score (NAME): Is there a role of a novel, structured touch-based evaluation in NICU?
- Osteopathic manipulative treatment showed reduction of length of stay and costs in preterm infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of osteopathic manipulative treatment on preterms
- Osteopathic manipulative treatment and pain in preterms: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
- Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment Improves Cerebro-splanchnic Oximetry in Late Preterm Infants
- Timing of oral feeding changes in premature infants who underwent osteopathic manipulative treatment
- Exploring the impact of osteopathic treatment on cranial asymmetries associated with nonsynostotic plagiocephaly in infants
- The path from trigeminal asymmetry to cognitive impairment: a behavioral and molecular study
- Effects of Osteopathic Visceral Treatment in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Raccolta di pubblicazioni scientifiche sullo sviluppo psicomotorio del bambino
- Prevalence of hyperopia and strabismus in a paediatric population with malocclusions
- Prevalence of myopia in a population with malocclusions
- Clinical association between teeth malocclusions, wrong posture and ocular convergence disorders: an epidemiological investigation on primary school children
- Prevalence of astigmatism in a paediatric population with malocclusions
- Correlations between dental malocclusions, ocular motility, and convergence disorders: a cross-sectional study in growing subjects
- Afferent discharges in response to stretch from the extraocular muscles of the cat and monkey and the innervation of these muscles
- Primitive Reflex Factors Influence Walking Gait in Young Children: An Observational Study
- Espansione palatale rapida aumenta le curve della scoliosi idiopatica giovanile
- Sensorimotor influences on speech perception in infancy
- Tummy Time and Infant Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review
- Sindrome glosso posturale e riflesso spino-trigeminale
- The path from trigeminal asymmetry to cognitive impairment: a behavioral and molecular study
- Persistent Childhood Primitive Reflex Reduction Effects on Cognitive, Sensorimotor, and Academic Performance in ADHD
- Primitive Reflexes of Position
- The symmetric tonic neck reflex (STNR) as a normal finding in premature infants prior to term
- Bauer Crawling Reflex: Delays in Learning and Motor Development if Your Child Skips the Crawling Stage
- Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
- Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor problems in healthy preschool children